Confused between side by side or french door vs traditional double door fridge refrigerator? We have just the right info to help you decide.

It is obvious that you are looking for a large refrigerator as most Refrigerator above 450 liter capacity nowadays have 50% side by side refrigerator range 10% french door option and rest 40% as double door models. If you don’t have need for large refrigerator and just want to explore side by side because it looks fancy then it’s not a good idea read further to know why.

Side by side refrigerators are best aesthetically and people get attracted to it easily too however problem with these is higher freezer to fridge ratio. That means you are getting bigger freezer & smaller fridge size in comparison to same capacity of double door refrigerator. For example if you are buying a 550liter fridge then freezer size would be 200liter in side by side vs 100liter in double door refrigerator.

These higher freezer ratio suits people who cook on weekends for whole week where both partners are working. However in India even with both partner working we see fresh food being cooked everyday.

This higher freezer to fridge ratio led to double problems for average Indian house.

  • Smaller Fridge compartment for rest of the fresh stuff.
  • Extra power consumption due to bigger freezer size.
Freezer Fridge Ratio forNo of Doors /Type
10% Freezer 90% Fridge approxSingle door refrigerator
20% Freezer 80% Fridge approxDouble door refrigerator
30% Freezer 70% Fridge approxFrench door refrigerator
40%Freezer 60% Fridge approxSide By Side Refrigerator

To overcome this side by side extra freezer space cos nowadays are giving convertible option where you can convert freezer part to fridge on push of a button. That option too is not feasible for everyone as most of the we keep few items in freezer even in winter season. So manufacturers are now offering half conversion of freezer to fridge part. So we have triple door side by side where left side has two door out of which one can be converted to fridge and freezer as per convenience while half part is always fridge and quarter part is always freezer.

Still I would recommend to better opt for double door only if you don’t freeze much of the leftover food and still need freezer 12months of the year. 20:80 ration of freezer to fridge is somewhat perfect. To make it better opt for bottom freezer refrigerator so that you can have access to veg basket without having to bend at all.

Hope you like this comparison!