Brought an EV car or scooter in Delhi? And now don’t want the electricity usage of EV to affect your home electricity connection units slab? Then you need to apply special EV meter connection for EV owners in Delhi.

To apply for this new EV meter a fresh application need to be given. You can apply online via bses delhi website or via 19123 toll free helpline. For ndpl new EV meter apply via website or 19124.

For application in Delhi via BSES Rajdhani or Yamuna or Tata Power NDPL documents required are same to same as these are suggested by driection issued by DERC.

One can apply online or offline(appointment need to be taken). Please take all documents in one go for fast processing.

Here is the list of documents needed for new EV meter connection in Delhi:

  • Aadhar Card
  • Property document with full photocopy of every page, front and back.
  • Indemnity Bond on ₹100 stamp paper
  • Wiring test report
  • ELCB proof pic
  • If you are not the property owner then NOC and aadhar of property owner(only for offline application)

After the application you will get a site visit withing 7 days. He will check for wiring and ELCB. If not done or any of the above document is missing he will issue a note in application asking for these docs and proof of elcb. You can check application status of bses via 19123 or ndpl via 19124 after every 2-3 days.

If everything is ok as per requirement the application order will be approved and a demand note be generated. They will install the meter with 2-3days of application approval and demand note generation.

Don’t worry according to current rules you need not pay demand note upfront. You will be billed security deposit and service line and development charge in first bill.

For new EV connection security deposit of Rs.2500 per kw would be charged which may be higher than normal home connection however no fixed charge need to be paid. A service cum development fees of ₹3000 also need to be paid which is same as domestic connection.