eKYC is govt approved verification method where instead of physically providing docs copy just a aadhar card number is enough. However aadhar card owner need to be physically present to verify the fingerprints.
Remember when aadhar card was made our fingerprints got scanned. Same scan would be matched and verified with current finger print scan taken at time of ekyc so the aadhar card owner need to be present himself.
Further some even ask for aadhar card physical copy instead of just aadhar card no just to be extra sure the person is himself.

These scanned finger prints and uidai no are sent to UIDAI authority servers online. Best part is just a yes or no is received as response, that the fingerprints sent are same one linked with aadhar card no or not.
No extra info is shared by uidai authority.

So here’s how ekyc works at any bank/outlet store:

  1. Visit the bank or outlet.
  2. Tell them all the details required beforehand & Aadhar no(physical card not required).
  3. Next he/she inputs data online with aadhar card no and scan customers finger prints.(this a little takes time)
  4. Next he/she asks you to keep your or any finger on fingerprint scanner.
  5. The application scan your credentials with fingerprint and send it to uadai server online. (this takes a lot time, govt server we all know)
  6. A response comes in yes or no. If yes then verification approved else rejected, both comes with a unique approval or rejection transaction id.
  7. An email with request id & final decision is also sent to email id linked to that aadhar account.


Another way for ekyc verification is where aadhar card no and otp is required. OTP is sent by UIDAI authority to mobile no registered in the aadhar card.

Still in both most agencies try to cross check with different id or physical presence of person to ensure that no misuse is happening.
Identity can be easily stolen on ekyc verification done with mobile OTP if fraudster has access to other persons mobile phone and knows his aadhar card no.

So it’s a boon for fast verification however use with caution.