Congratulations! now that you have paid all the emi of car loan successfully.
You are complete owner of your car now.Its an achievement in itself.
Time to remove Bank/Finance Co name Hypothecation(HP) from car RC(not written on new RC) and from Transport Department records.

Docs Required from Bank are noc and signed form 35(2 copies). Call your bank/financier to get this done.
Documents required from you pt(3-5) mentioned below.

1.) NOC From bank(please note this is valid for 60days from issue date)
2.) Form 35 Signed by Bank n car owner(2 orginal copies)
3.) CAR original RC Card
4.) Self Attested Valid Insurance
5.) Self Attested Photo ID
6.) Three printouts from step no 4 & 5 below

Online process HP removal of car/Bike in Delhi area.
1.) Register at eVehicle Portal. Activate the account.
2.) After Login , Hover mouse pointer on online service tab and click on vehicle related services.
3.) After entering car registration no and last 5 digit of chasis no orinted on car RC, enter otp and tick on required service like Hypothecation(HP) termination.
4.) Enter all the form, upload the docs and take appointment. Please take a printout of appointment page.
5.) Final step is to pay fees and print fees receipt. (two copies, one to be stamped by officer as receiving)

Fees for hypothtication Termination/ HP removal from RC is zero. As all recent RC don’t have Bank/financier name printed on RC. Visit RC office on appointed day at given counter no which all is mentioned on appointment letter.
All docs from 1-6 need to be taken along with originals for whenever demanded.

That’s the concerned officer would check it and stamp the fees paper as receiving.