Vi and Airtel both offer ₹118 denomination data only recharge plan. Both offers same 12GB data however both are targeted for different kind of users.

Vi offers Rs.118 recharge plan with 12GB data valid for 28days without any outgoing sms facility however outgoing calls can be used via talktime at default rate.

Airtel offers same ₹118 data plan as topup without any validity for use with existing validity recharge plan.

Vi plan is suited more for users who want to use their sim in a data card or 4g modem with sim slot as he won’t be requiring any voice or sms for that so this recharge is best for those kind of occasional data users. So if you don’t have any existing plan on sim then Vi 118 suits you more.

While Airtel data topup is targeted for existing recharge plan user like one who has 1799 annual recharge plan and wants more data than default 24GB. Here the 12GB data of 118 topup will be valid till existing leftover validity of 1799 plan which can be as long as 364days.