Airtel under its network up gradation is shifting more spectrum to 4G. Last month we updated on how it shifted 3mhz out of 6mhz on its most precious 900mhz band from 2G to 4G for better VoLTE coverage.

Now it has shifted 5mhz out of 10mhz on 2100mhz aka Band 1 from 3G to 4G. Airtel won additional 5mhz in last auction and launched 3g+ on it by enhancing total 3G spectrum from 5mhz to 10mhz. However as 4G handset uptake is increasing, also number of 3G only handset is diminishing with faster upgrades to 4G in comparison with 2G only basic handset. 3G network is expected to be switched off sooner than 2G network.

Airtel Spectrum holding for Delhi:

  • 30mhz of TDD 4G spectrum on 2300mhz aka Band40
  • 5mhz of FDD 4G spectrum on 1800mhz aka Band 3
  • 5mhz of FDD 4G spectrum on 2100mhz aka Band 1
  • 3mhz of FDD 4G spectrum on 900mhz on Band 8
  • 5mhz of 3G spectrum on 2100mhz aka Band 1
  • 3mhz of 2G spectrum on 900mhz aka Band 8
  • 3mhz of 2G spectrum on 1800mhz aka Band 3

So Airtel now got spectrum on 4G than Jio atleast in Delhi. In addition to 5mhz each for 2G and 3G network.