Airtel has introduced new stv in Kolkata circle in wake of spurred up competition. With vodafone launch of Flex prepaid all over India Airtel is responding with new tariffs from circle to circle in a calculated move.


In Kolkata which is a price sensitive market Airtel has launched new STVs with local and isd calls at very economical rates. In STV 37 one can make local calls as low as 1.2p per 2sec (36p/min) for 28days. Same 1.2p per 2 sec local call rate can be achieved using Rs.78 STV with 56days validity. Another STV 65 gives Airtel to Airtel calls at just 10p per minute for 28days. Finally just for Rs.7 one can make isd calls to Bangladesh for Rs.1.99 per minute and Nepal Rs.6.99 per minute.

STV 37
MRP Rs.37
Local call rate : 1.2paisa per 2second
Validity: 28 days

STV 78
MRP Rs.78
Local call rate : 1.2paisa per 2second
Validity: 56 days

STV 65
MRP Rs.65
Local calls to Airtel Mobile : 1.2paisa per 2second
Validity: 28 days

MRP Rs.7
ISD calls to Bangladesh: Rs.1.99 per minute
ISD calls to Nepa: Rs.6.99 per minute
Validity: 28 days

Thanks to the Jio tariff effect for all these new attractive tariff plan.