Let’s look at Vi ( Vodafone Idea ) Multi recharge aka advance recharge system works. We are explaining here in full with an example.

1.) Recharging with same plan: like if you have ₹901 plan with 3GB per day plan with 50days left and want to recharge with same ₹901 recharge with 3GB per day and 79 days validity. This is the simplest way to calculate as the validty becomes 50+70=120days and you get 3GB per day data limit with validity for 120days.

2.) Recharging with different denomination: Here you have to consider one thing every daily data plan of Vi is split into 1GB base + addon plan. Like 1.5Gb/day plan is 1GB base+ 500mb addon, similarly 2GB per day plan is 1GB base + 1GB addon, likewise 3GB/day plan is 1GB base + 2GB addon.

Now every time you recharge different denomination base plan data gets added to validity while addon plan act like an addon plan to current plan. For eg: if you has current same as example above ₹901 plan with 3GB data with 50 days validity left, now you did 599 plan recharge of 1.5GB per day for 70days so here is how it works:

901 recharge with 1GB per day base 50days validity + 2GB per day addon for 50days PLUS 599 recharge with 1GB per day base 70 days validity + 500MB per day addon for 70 days. Now you will get

  • 1GB per day for 50+70days = 120days
  • 2GB per day for first 50 days
  • 500MB per day for first 70days
  • Total = 3.5GB for first 50 day + 1.5GB for next 20days + 1GB for next 50days

Hope this example clears all the doubt about how queue system in Vi India recharge plans work.