Mtnl Delhi has launched Rs.444 fiber broadband plan in Delhi with 50mbps download & upload speed along with unlimited voice calls to anywhere in India.

However does it really matters? So why would anyone take Mtnl?

  • When one can get better price value with Jio fiber on their Wifi router + stb+ voice cheaper package on a prepaid plan.
  • For 50mbps speed requirement Airtel offer near 50mbps speed on it’s 40mbps postpaid plan with better customer service and support.
  • Only takers for Mtnl are one who want to retain old numbers. However Mtnl lacks fiber coverage so it can’t convert all its copper customer to fiber while their copper only voice plans are uncompetitive.
  • It’s future expansion of fiber is on franchise model where Excitel already offers better plans.
  • Initial Cost to obtain new Ont + wifi router is higher in Mtnl.
  • Plus no one wants to visit sanchaar haat for each request currently due to sky high fuel prices.
  • Looking at their Tncs where existing customers are not allowed to migrate to this plan. Why? Shows their attitude is still the same. Do they think people will be vouching for Mtnl when so many options are available?

Mtnl lacked funds when fiber investment was needed due to loss making mobile unit and ever increasing employee costs. Though many were given VRS scheme however it was too little and too late for demise of Mtnl. Mtnl never competed even on landline tariffs due to lack of vision.

Today also if govt & PSU offices shun Mtnl which they are slowly are then hardly anyone uses Mtnl. This state from a time when it use to be considered lifeline of Delhi.

I know with govt handling many things are not in Mtnl hands however still it could compete in market if they offer below stuff which is in their hand:

  1. Unlimited copper voice plan for Rs.299 per month
  2. Unlimited voice + unlimited vdsl plan(whatever max speed attainable by line) for Rs.499 per month.
  3. Unlimited voice + unlimited adsl plan(whatever max speed attainable by line) for Rs.399 per month.
  4. Voip based voice plan like Bsnl wings for Rs.99 per month or Rs.1000 per year with unlimited calls.
  5. Ability to forward existing landline number to above wing service for additional Rs.99 per month.