India may soon see 4G service on band 1 or 2100mhz i.e. after auction of 2016.
Major dynamics of this band prove it may be used as 4G band rather 3G after next auction.
Better suited for operators like Vodafone and Idea than Airtel or jio as they lack major capacity.
Even Rcom or Tata can buy few blocks if serious.

Why? Lets check out.

1.) Wider availability as we have 3-4 blocks that is 15-20mhz of this band available in all the states for sale in next auction. This band was freed by ministry of defense recently.

2.) Cheaper cost in comparison to other FDD bands like 1800mhz whose cost is zooming out after last two auctions. While 2100mhz is still sitting on 2010 3G auction base price.

3.) Handset compatibility in all 4G handsets available in market. 2100mhz along with 1800mhz are basic band in all 4G handsets launched in market till now.

4.) Easy step up from 3G network which works on same band. As in future when more people have 4G handset and Volte is stable many operators will think to stop their 3G network and convert to 4G only. Having 4G network already working on same band will reduce cost to negligible for upgrade.

That being said more spectrum for 4G is better as it increase operators capacity and further chance to sell data at cheaper rates without concerning about network choke up.
The business practice which old operators were refraining till now and Jio is cashing it on.