With increasing electricity bills buying power saving AC is a smart move. But how to look into best air conditioner with least power consumption or atleast lesser than old one. To buy AC with less power consumption look in to the star rating given on AC.

Below table is for split AC:
- 5star AC have iseer value of more than 5.0 which means they consume least power.
- 4star AC have iseer value between 4.4 and 4.99 so they consume 10% more power than 5star AC
- 3star AC have iseer value between 3.8 and 4.39 so they consume 10% more power than 4star AC
- 2star AC have iseer value between 3.5 and 3.79 so they consume 10% more power than 3star AC
- 1star AC have iseer value between 3.3 and 3.49 so they consume 10% more power than 2star AC
Even to go further for comparison between two 5 star AC on energy consumption better buy the one with higher ISEER value that is given on energy star label on AC itself. Checkout sample image of label below.