Aircel would shut down it’s mobile service operations in 6 telecom circle or 8 states of India. Aircel is in financial juggernaut after recent data & vice wars. Aircel promoters in feud over 2G scam have stopped any fresh investments in co. They can’t sell any spectrum after recent supreme court ruling.

Aircel is closing down mobile services in state of Chattisgarh, Goa, HP, Haryana, Gujarat,UP (West), Madhya Pradesh ,  Maharashtra.

We expect more states to follow as Aircel is profitable only in TN, North East, Assam , J&K circle out of 22 circles it operates in.

In last quater Airtel reported ARPU of mere Rs.40. We suggest subscribers of all state except the four circle above to port out immediately to keep safe and be without any Rcom like hassles.