Vodafone has launched a new Rs.392 STV for Delhi NCR users which now comes with outgoing calls free while in national roaming also.  Other benefits include 1GB data everyday + local & std calls. I think Vodafone would launch this in other circles also soon.

  • STV  Rs.392 STV
  • Unlimited Local + Std + Roaming Calls
  • 1GB Daily data
  • 28days validity

I think Jio is still the best as it’s Rs.309 voucher offers unlimited roaming calls already + free sms also.

Airtel has launched roam like home Rs.52 STV which if recharged with Rs.349 STV can give home like tariff for 28days aka free outgoing calls in roaming.

Bsnl is also giving roam like home by default without any STV for all it’s users.

I think the next step would be gradual removal of additional outgoing charges while roaming by all operators. Jio & Bsnl have already done so… just rest of pvt operators have to follow.