Bsnl new pack for occasion of Eid in India. ₹786 packs gives 3GB data per day for 90days which is 270GB in total. Comes out to Rs.2.91 per GB & thats not all. Rs.786 non-core talktime for voice/sms is also included again valid for 90days. Not bad however why would any one recharge with this when a better  Rs.333 triple ace pack is available offering same 3GB data for 90days without the talktime.

BSNL 786 STV available for recharge till 30th June 2017

  • 3GB 3G data daily
  • Rs.786 voice/sms talktime
  • Validity: 90days for both voice n data.

Another pack to compare to is Rcom Rs.786 STV launched for similar festive occasion. On comparison 1GB per day for 180days is better than 3GB for 90days for most users as to consume 3GB on 3G network of Bsnl is quite a task with way their network is congested nowadays. Ofcourse no talktime and 1/3rd the data is a downer still 1GB is enough for most casual users.

Another pack to compare is with Aircel Rs.786 pack with unlimited local+std calls & 1GB per day data for 70days. Specially meant for voice call users. Airtel offers similar offer in Rs.399 for selected users while Aircel offer is for everyone in respected circle.