Idea Cellular has come up with yet another segmented offer. This price for unlimited calls has gone down further.

In Rs.196 only one gets unlimited local+std calls for 28day. Though amount of data is just 1GB for 28days not per day. Airtel 399 offer with unlimited local+std calls with 1GB per day data for 56 or 70 days is way better than this Idea cellular offer. Though price point is lower in this offer. Still only for selected users who aren’t making much calls or maybe Idea risk losing them.

Have a look at screen shot of this Rs.196 offer from a Delhi user.


Let’s compare how this offer stands with others offers.

  • Jio dhan dhana dhan offer Rs.408 for 84days with 1GB per day data & unlimited local+ std +roaming calls.
  • Vodafone Rs.346 offer with 1GB per day & unlimited local+std for 56days.
  • Airtel Rs.399 offer with 1GB per daay & unlimited local+std calls for 56 or 70 days.
  • Bsnl Rs.395 STV Nehle pe dehla offers 2GB per day data & 3000mins bsnl to bsnl (local+std) &1800 to others(local+std) for 71days.