Water Heater or Geyser have star rating based on standing loss which is the based on the mount of electricity consumed in kwh for every 24 hour to maintain the temperature at optimum 45°C of water for specific capacity of geyser water heater. Below table will help you find the difference between a 4 star and 5 star water heater geyser.

Standing Loss
(kWh/24 hour/45°C)
1 star Geyser2 star Geyser3 star Geyser4 star geyser5 star geyser
06 Liters Geyser≤0.426 &> 0.387≤0.352 &> 0.320 ≤ 0.320 &>0.291≤ 0.291 &> 0.265≤ 0.265
10 Liters Geyser≤0.485 &> 0.441 ≤0.441 &> 0.401≤ 0.401 &>0.365≤ 0.365 &> 0.332≤ 0.332
15 Liters Geyser≤ 0.558 &> 0.507 ≤0.507 &> 0.461 ≤ 0.461 &> 0.419 ≤ 0.419 &> 0.381 ≤ 0.381
25 Liters Geyser≤0.680 &> 0.618 ≤0.618 &> 0.562 ≤ 0.562 &>0.511 ≤ 0.511 &> 0.465 ≤ 0.465
35 Liters Geyser≤0.777 &> 0.706 ≤0.706 &> 0.642 ≤ 0.642 &>0.584 ≤ 0.584 &> 0.531 ≤ 0.531
50 Liters Geyser≤0.898 &> 0.816 ≤0.816 &> 0.742 ≤ 0.742 &>0.675≤ 0.675 &> 0.614 ≤ 0.614
70 Liters Geyser≤ 1.019 &> 0.926 ≤0.926 &> 0.842 ≤ 0.842 &> 0.766 ≤ 0.766 &> 0.697 ≤ 0.697
100 Liters Geyser≤1.164 &> 1.058 ≤1.058 &> 0.962 ≤ 0.962 &> 0.875 ≤0.875 &>0.796 ≤ 0.796
150 Liters Geyser≤1.310 &> 1.191 ≤1.191 &> 1.083 ≤ 1.083 &> 0.985 ≤ 0.985 &> 0.896 ≤ 0.896
200 Liters Geyser≤1.456 &> 1.323 ≤1.323 &> 1.203 ≤ 1.203 &> 1.088 ≤ 1.088 &> 0.984 ≤ 0.984
Water Heater Geyser Star Rating Plan Valid from 1st January 2023 till 31st December 2025.

I guess for average household Storage water heater capacity of more than 50L won’t be needed. Even 35L & 50L is a rarity for most households. 50L & above geyser capacity is more suitable for commercial establishment.