All customers from Jio Welcome Offer would be shifted to Jio Happy New year offer from 1 Jan 2017 till 31 march 2017. Daily data limit would reduce from 4GB to 1GB data per day. Customers opting for Jio offer after 3rd December 2016 would also get this new year offer only. If your free 1GB daily data gets over then one can opt for Rs.51 voucher with 1GB data valid for that day only or opt for Rs.301 voucher which gives 6GB data which get used only after daily free 1GB data gets over within next 28days. jio-4g

Benefits include:
Free Unlimited Calls
3000 Free sms per month
Data till 1GB per day then 128kbps after that.
Free apps usage till march 2017

For additional data following recharge denomination are available:
1GB for Rs.51 valid for 1 day
6GB for Rs.301 valid for 28 days

MNP and National MNP now available to port to Jio 4G network. Free voice calls anywhere in country whether local or std or roaming are still valid. Though some users are reporting Jio has brought in 30mins per call limit if you call any number other than Jio. Which means if you call any number not on Jio network then call would automatically disconnect after 30mins though you do can call back again. This has been to done to avoid misuse where some users by mistake forgot to disconnect the call or sometimes many young couples sleep with call connected all night long. Jio has to pay other operator 14paise even it is not charging it’s customers anything. This limit is not there for Jio 2 Jio calls as 14paise termination charge is not be paid on it’s own network.