Digital Ocean few months back opened it’s first data center in India with cloud based vps called droplets offering. And best part DO kept the Indian droplet cost same as in global offerings. It came as surprise to many as bandwidth cost is said(made) to be many times higher in India than the western counterpart.

Another interesting thing was that while announcing the Data Center launch on its blog, Digital Ocean clearly mentioned Flipkart was one of few cos already operational in its cloud data center. While many Indian startup uses AWS cloud platform, Flipkart refrained to do so as it’s leading competitor in India and AWS Cloud services are owned by same parent co Amazon Inc USA.

So searching for alternate cloud provider was obvious choice for Flipkart. Digital Ocean another start up was looking for space in India with it’s unique based cloud solutions mostly for developers who were demanding India presence for quite sometime. This partnership gives them both upper hand as Flipkart found a reliable cloud partner while Digital Ocean got a big worthy client to put it’s India center on start.

digital ocean flipkart