Red Bull, Sting & Monster are the 3 top most selling energy drinks in India.
Lets compare each one with their contents per 100ml:
Contents per 100ml | Red Bull | Sting | Monster |
Caffeine | 30mg | 29mg | 30mg |
Sugar | 11g | 7g | 11g |
Carbohydrates | 11g | 7g | 11g |
Energy | 45kcal | 28kcal | 48kcal |
Niacin(Vit B3) | 2.4mg | 2.1mg | 2.5mg |
Many people talk about Sting energy drink having too much sugar, ironically it has the least amount of sugar per 100ml. Another surprising factor is Sting has almost same level of caffeine boost as RedBull. And the best part is all this at almost 1/3rd of the price(currently in India) and that too from a reliable brand like Pepsi. So unless you like Redbull taste or dislike Sting taste its no brainer to avoid Sting energy drink next time. Ofcourse you can play cool by buying an imported costly energy drink.
We do have plethora of other brands in Indian market like Budweiser Beats energy drink, Hell energy drink, Ocean one, mad bear energy drink, Blunt energy drink, Black lion, Beast energy drink & Samuride energy drink etc. However none has been able to come up to wide acceptability and volumes like these three brands.