While most method mentioned online got old universal remote. The remote with most TATA sky HD box got no univ button instead it got separate dedicated TV n STB buttons like Airtel’s universal remote.

This method is to setup those new universal remotes:

1. Place both the Tata Sky Play Remote and TV remote on a flat horizontal surface like table top.
2. The remote should be placed 3-6 cms apart with their respective LED’s(front part which point to tv/box) facing each other.
3. One Tata Sky Play remote press and hold the BACK button and NUMBER2 button simultaneously together till the LED light blinks twice and get switched on. Now release both the buttons.
4. Press once TV-POWER button on the Tata (sky) play remote. The LED will turn off when the button is pressed and turn ON when button is released.
5. Now press and hold the POWER button on your TV remote till the LED on the TATA sky remote blinks twice which confirm the successful programming of power button of tv to tata play remote. If the the LED blinks 4 times then something went wrong and you have to start over again from step 3.
6. Follow steps 4 & 5 again to program other button one by one. You can configure VOL+, VOL- ,MUTE ,AV buttons this way.

Your TATA SKY remote is now configured successfully.
You can customize volume button to change from TV volume control to STB volume & vice versa by pressing BACK & HOME buttons together.
However we suggest to set it to TV Volume control while setting up default STB volume control to max.
To set default Tata SKY Set top box volume to max
Goto -> User Setting -> Sound -> Set Volume to max ->> save by pressing blue button
Now your STB would be max everytime you start the box. So Universal remote can be used to control TV volume.

Good Looking Stand for your Set Top Box & Remotes

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