Looking to buy BLDC fan for maximum power savings and want to compare between Atomberg and Cormpton Fan? Highlighted in bold below.

Lets look at major difference and similarities between Crompton and Atomberg fans:
Atomberg FansCrompton Fans
35W rated power usage35W rated power usage
3watt @ speed 1
28w @ speed 5
35w @booster mode
5w @ speed 1
35w @ speed 5
235 CMM air throw @ 380 RPM220 CMM air delivery @ 370 RPM
2+1 year warranty5 year warranty
Designer Bldc fans availableLimited range in Bldc segment
Copper motorCopper motor
Aluminium BladesAluminium Blades
Offers BLDC fan only.Offers all types of fans.
Service center range in major citiesWidest service center range
We recommend Atomberg Fans as they were first to introduce BLDC fans in India and have expertise in BLDC only even when Crompton is offering longer warranty. Crompton support is not that good in comparison to Atomberg. Also Atomberg’s offers much wider range of BLDC fan models in comparison to crompton. Have a look at few models below, love that studio+ design.